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Gameday for Coaches

At the Field
Each field has a designated spectator sideline and a team sideline. Spectators will watch the game from one sideline and the team and coaches will be on the other sideline. Coaches will set up on the team sideline to one side of the halfway line and not cross the halfway line during the game. Only two coaches may be on the sideline with the team. If you have two assistant coaches, one will have to watch (and not coach) the game from the spectator sideline. All other adults must be on the spectator side of the field. No one may sit behind the goals or goal line.

If you play in the final game of the night on Mondays and Tuesdays, please be aware that the lights will only remain on for about 10-15 minutes after the end of the game.  Williamson County Parks and Recreation is responsible for closing down the fields in a timely manner, so please account for time you need to gather your belongings and return safely to your cars.

Time-Outs / Water Breaks
Time outs are not allowed in outdoor soccer. In the event of severe heat, time for water breaks will be decided by coaches and referees prior to the start of the game. Coaches may NOT call a time out for a water break. 

Coaches set the tone that others follow. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by avoiding running up scores and being respectful to the opposing team, opposing coaches, parents, and league officials. Please observe WCSA's Coaches' Code of Conduct found under the Coaches tab. If you have any issues during a game concerning conduct of players, coaches, parents, or officials, please do not engage and risk escalating the situation. Instead, call the office (615-791-0590) and WCSA will send someone to your field if needed. 

Medical Assistance
On Saturday gamedays WCSA has a trainer on the premises. Contact the office (615-791-0590) and the trainer can be sent to your field if needed. For medical emergencies dial 911 first. 

Police Officer Assistance
WCSA employs police officers on game days for traffic control, as well as, emergency situations that may arise. Please contact the office (615-791-0590) or call 911 if it is an emergency. 



Williamson County Soccer Association
Physical Address (NOT for mail): 3157 Boyd Mill Avenue Franklin TN 37064 Mailing Address WCSA: P.O. Box 680037 Franklin TN 37068 

Phone: 615-791-0590
Email: [email protected]

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